July 8, 2009

Colossians: Week 6: Day 3

Colossians 4: 14 - 18

We close our thoughts on this letter today with Paul's final "greetings" to fellow believers and coworkers. There will also be some warnings today that leap from these few verses!

Paul mentions Luke, whom he calls "our dear friend". Luke was a physician, a tireless worker for the church, the writer of the Gospel that bears his name and the writer of the book of Acts. Luke is with Paul. What a comfort he must have been for this beleaguered apostle! We also learn in 2 Timothy 4:11 that Luke remains with Paul when all others have left. Do you have anyone in your life that you would describe as "my dear friend"? Have you let them know? Remember, we only have today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Perhaps today would be a good day to drop a note in the mail!

A disciple named Demas is also with Paul. We know almost nothing about this man ... except that he provides our first solemn warning today. In personal comments at the end of 2 Timothy, Paul asks Timothy to come to him as quickly as possible because "Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me ...". How is your staying power? The lure of our world and the things of this world is so strong. Do a mental check today of where your first love lies. Keeping your love relationship with the Lord in first place will guard your heart and mind from the seduction of our world. Don't be a Demas ... don't be a deserter.

Paul sends encouragement to Nympha who hosts one of the churches. The gracious gift of hospitality! This woman embodies that gift ... do you? If you are a hostess for a small group, a gathering of people who meet together because of Jesus, take Paul's encouragement personally! Remember the church in the first couple of centuries gathered together in homes. There were many women (and men) who were willing to provide the gathering place for Christ's followers. We still need such men and women - willing the share the resources and blessings that God has so generously poured out.

And then there is Archippus who needed some encouragement to finish a task that God had called him to. Here again is this reference to staying power - perseverance - finishing the course. It reminds me how important it is to finish well. I don't know about you, but I am a great "starter"! I get excited about new projects, new endeavors, new adventures. I have no problem starting. However, finishing well. Aahh ... that is a different story. We get tired, bored, distracted, etc. and leave things for something new. That is OK in some arenas. After all, an unfinished quilt project carries little importance compared to an unfinished task that my God has laid before me. A second warning from these verses ... when God calls you to a task ... carry it all the way to the end!

The final warning in these verses comes from the frequent mention of the church in Laodicea. This church was a neighboring church to Colosse. The reference to the letter from Laodicea is a mystery. We do not have a copy of that letter. Commentators have different opinions about that letter. Some believe that it is the letter we call, Ephesians. The letters written to the churches were encyclical, meant to be circulated among the churches in Asia. Others believe that the Laodicean letter was lost. Some think it is the letter to Philemon. However, the warning is not in lost letters ... the warning is in the mention of the church in Laodicea. You can read about what happened to that church in Revelation 3:14 - 22. It is a sad story. And a story that speaks boldly and loudly to the church in our day. We studied this passage in the study on "God Speaks to the Church". You can read about it in the archives of this blog. Go to that particular study and go to Lesson 5: Section 1.

As we close today, listen to the warnings in these verses and take them to prayer:

1. Don't be a deserter ... stay the course with God and God's people, even when it is hard

2. Finish God-given tasks ... even if it takes your lifetime ... stay the course

3. Keep your love relationship with God fresh and vital ... keep it first place

Our Father, holy is Your Name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth even as it is in heaven. Give us the wisdom, the strength and the will to walk with You faithfully, to resist the seduction of this fallen world, and to love You with all our heart, mind, soul and strength - through Your Spirit who makes it possible.

We will close this study with one final posting in conclusion. Thank you for your faithfulness to read and study and meditate and contemplate these things. May God bless you this day ...

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