June 1, 2010

May Project - Wrap Up

We began this project with the prayer on our hearts that God would pour His wisdom into our spirits.  And then we read ... everyday (as best we could!) ... for 31 days.  How did this project effect you?  What "wisdom" do you feel you have gained because of your commitment to "hear a word from the Lord"?  Was there one particular area that impacted you more than others?  Were questions raised?  What challenged you the most?  Was there any comfort?  I would love to hear from you about your impressions throughout this project.  If you will ... post a response ... and we will hear from each other and praise God in the process! 

Meditate a while on what God gave you through this month.  Thank Him for it. 

May we remember the things that we have learned! 


  1. AnonymousJune 02, 2010

    I have a 5 and 3 year (almost) old, I am looking for recommendations of a good Proverbs devotional that I can read to them in the morning. I guess stories would be the best thing. I tried reading Proverbs to them but of course that did not go well.

    Thank you for this online devotional!


  2. I don't know of a specific guide for children. I wonder if using one of the children's Bibles and go to the Proverbs section. I haven't looked at them but that might be a source. It would be short and sweet!

  3. AnonymousJune 02, 2010

    Most of the story Bibles we have are just that, stories. But this may be my perfect excuse for a trip to the bookstore -- thank you for your suggestion! :)

  4. I guess the main thing I'm taking away from this study, for myself, is just to realize how many "invisible" choices I make every day.

    I tend to remember only the "big" decisions I have to face during the day. Things like deciding whether one of my kids is sick enough for a visit to the doctor or will be fine after a couple days' rest... whether to repair an appliance or admit it's dead and replace it... which recipe(s) are safe for my gluten-intolerant house guests... stuff like that. But every moment, every hour, every day, I make thousands of choices about all kinds of things that never make it onto my radar. Maybe I give the snooze button an extra slap. Dinnnng! Decision. Maybe I hurriedly toss a garment on the couch and later fret because it got wrinkled. Decision. Maybe I put dinner and everything else on hold to spend a half hour on the phone with a friend in crisis. Decision. Sometimes I make smart decisions. Sometimes I make dumb ones. But I make them!

    In one of Beth Moore's studies she talks about her goal (and I can't remember how she worded this!)... she wanted to be so saturated or filled up with the Fruit of the Spirit that even her "impulses" -- those things we all do without (or before!) even thinking -- would reflect the presence of those qualities in her life. I want to make that my goal, too! As you say, "awareness is the beginning place..."

  5. I enjoyed this Proverbs challenge. I was not able to keep up every day, but I did get to play catch-up occasionally. I can say that the readings have "stuck" with me :) This week I faced a challenge/conflict with some co-workers. God kept bringing the "foolish man" vs. the "wise man" to my mind. It was a good meter for me to monitor my behaviors in dealing with these co-workers. I didn't approach the situation perfectly, but I constantly worked toward being the "wise" woman!

    Another concept that keeps popping in my head is the "quarrelsome wife." As I approached situations with my family, I would think, "is this going to make me a quarrelsome wife?" This too was a good meter for me, as I don't want my children and husband to long for life in the corner of a roof :)

    Thanks for the challenge!

  6. Anonymous said..
    I appreciate seeing that God has touched so many of our lives similarly. The road of life can be long and hard when alone (figurative or literally). Of course we must be willing to share the struggles to have a helping sister hand. Knowing that we can share these trials makes the struggles less difficult no matter our age. BH

  7. I so greatly enjoyed this Proverbs project and loved being in the Word with such wonderful women each day! Thank you Gail and to everyone for your daily words of wisdom and encouragement! As Erin pointed out one day, your words are like "choice silver” (Proverbs 10:20) to me!!!

    The message that I so strongly walk away with was the reoccurring theme of God’s hatred of haughty eyes and lying/gossiping lips. Probably because I needed to hear it (ouch!), those words would just jump off the page at me. We are meant to “shine brightly” (Proverbs 13:9), be a crown to our husbands (Proverbs 12:4), bring gladness to our parents (Proverbs 23:25), be “clothed with strength and dignity” (Proverbs 31:25), and live a life of righteousness and fear of the Lord. That is my prayer. Please help me, Lord!!! Help me not only to become a Proverbs 31 woman but an ALL-of-Proverbs woman!

    Thank you to all again! :0)

  8. AnonymousJune 15, 2010

    I know I'm late but I want to add my thanks for all your time you put into this blog. I have really appreciated and benefited from your insights! What will you all study next?
