February 25, 2012

Philippians - Example (Lesson 6 - Post 3)

Philippians 3: 17 - 4:1

Paul, centuries ago, described our own culture!  How did he know where we would be iin 2012?  Perhaps he described all cultures, regardless of place or time, that exist for their own purposes.  He calls them "enemies of the cross."  The description is in verse 19. 

Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame.  Their mind is on earthly things.

He nails it!  Our world is the same.  So many people live for their own appetites only.  So many people in our day find some kind of glory in shameful things. There is no thought to anything other than things of this earth ... the money, position, power ... that exist in this world.   And they do not even realize that the end of such focus is destruction.  Fight that mindset!  Every day.  Every moment.  Our citizenship is NOT here. 

To fight such a mindset, Paul encourages these people whom he loves to follow his example.  Wow!  Follow his pattern.  That's a bold statement.  He makes it because, as we have seen over and over in this little letter, his focus and mind are on his Lord, on Jesus, on the position he holds in Christ, and on fulfilling God's purpose for him. 

Some questions for us today ... who is following your example?  Is it your children?  Perhaps a spouse or a friend?  To whom do you need to be an example?  Could it be some folks you have interaction with who are not believers?  What do they think of Christ and Christianity because of their association with you?  Could you be bold enough to say "follow my example?"  Or do you tend more toward the statement, "Do what I say, not what I do"? 

We, too, need to follow Paul's example.  And that challenge rises high above the pettiness and the self-centeredness of our culture.  May you walk as an example today ...

          Lord, may I walk with You today in such a way that those around me can see You.
  May my children see You through me.
  May the people I am with today see You through me. 
May I live this day so that anyone copying my focus, my mindset, my priorities
will find themselves focused on You. 
That will only happen as I surrender SELF today and allow You, through Your Spirit, to live through me. 
May it be ... to Your glory.  

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