September 24, 2014

The Final Snapshot (Post 21)

The final glimpse we get of Peter's life is found in Acts 12.  Let's settle in there for a bit today:

Read Acts 12: 1 - 17

What a story!  There are so many remarkable things in this encounter.  Let's consider a few.  You may see others as well.  Let me know!  

First, Peter is again in prison, in chains - and the promise of harsh persecution loomed right on the horizon.  John's brother, James, had already been killed.  The plan was to put Peter on "trial" right after the Passover Feast.  Does that sound familiar?  His Lord had walked that path before him.  I wonder if that is why he could be asleep while chained between two soldiers.  What kind of peace of heart allows one to sleep in those conditions?  He was so sound asleep that the angel had to thump him to wake him up!  That thought challenges me.  My tendency is to have a hard time sleeping when circumstances are not good.  I can't get my mind to "turn off".  I mentally rehearse all the possibilities and 'what ifs' and details over and over and over again.  

Peter KNEW his LORD ... and could sleep in tough places.
LORD, I want to know you ...

Second, God's sovereign will is far above my limited ability to understand or explain ... and that is OK.  Why was Peter rescued and James killed?  What was the purpose of that?  I don't know.  We can't know.  
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.  "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways."    Isaiah 55: 8 - 9 

Peter TRUSTED his LORD ... and could handle whatever came his way.
LORD, I want to trust You ... help me in the struggle.

Third, Peter was willing to obey ... to move ... to do.  Surely the angel who caused Peter's chains to just drop off could have gotten the shoes on his feet and the cloak around him.  But, even in the midst of the miraculous, God's people are participants, not bystanders.  Remember when Jesus brought Lazarus from the grave?  People had to roll the stone from the tomb.  Remember when Jesus healed the lame man who had been let down through a roof?  He was told to roll up his own mat.  Warren Wiersbe writes:  "God alone can do the extraordinary, but His people must do the ordinary."  

Peter OBEYED his LORD ... he has learned.
LORD, I want to be a person of obedience ... today ... I choose it.

One final thought, even while the church was earnestly in prayer for Peter, they were still totally surprised when he appeared at their door.  Was it lack of faith?  I don't think so.  I was in an interesting conversation some years ago with a group of students and we were discussing why believers were so surprised by God's answering some prayers like we asked.  The discussion swirled around our little faith, etc.  Then one woman quietly said, "I don't see it as little faith.  I see it as living on the edge of awe."  That phrase has stuck with me and I love it.  God keeps us on the edge of awe if we will keep our eyes open to Him.  

LORD, You are truly ... AWE-SOME!

This is the last scene that scripture gives us of the man, Peter.  Scripture now turns its attention to the Gentile world.  The man, Paul, is chosen by God to take the lead on that front.  Peter had opened the door.  He gave legitimacy to the entire endeavor.  And now Paul steps up.  We hear no more detail about the life of Peter.  We know he traveled for the sake of the believers and the church.  No doubt, he remained at the helm.

Peter ... such passion.  In him, Jesus saw such promise.  And Peter's love for and commitment to his LORD matured him into a great hero of faith for you and me.  We have observed the transformation of Peter.  No longer full of self-confidence and swagger, he has become God-confident and strong.  He fulfilled the mission laid on him by Jesus - no longer a fisher of fish, but a fisher of men - no longer a self-appointed spokesman for his group, but a pastor for the people of God, Jew and Gentile alike.

And so he writes ... to God's people ... to believers then and now.  We will turn our attention to the two letters that Peter wrote.  

We have watched Peter ... now let's listen to him.

September 15, 2014

Peter - and the Paradigm Shift: Part 3 (Post 20)

The Spirit of God prepared Cornelius and instructed him to send for a man named Peter.
Cornelius responded and did what the Spirit told him.
The Spirit of God prepared Peter and instructed him to go see Cornelius.
Peter responded and did what the Spirit told him.

And the two men ... the devout Peter - Jewish Christian and leader in the Jerusalem church
                                 the Italian centurion - Gentile soldier and God lover


Read the story in Acts 10:23 - 11:18

Allow me to remind us of an encounter between Jesus and Peter.  It is recorded in Matthew 16:15 - 19:
"Who do you say that I am?"   Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."     Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; ..."
The "keys of the kingdom of heaven" ... given to our man Peter.  In today's reading, we observe the final of 3 'unlockings' when Peter used those keys to open doors.

First, Peter unlocked the kingdom of heaven for the Jews.  We read about it in Acts 2.  He preached Jesus. He preached salvation to all Jews who believe and accept.

Second, Peter unlocked the kingdom of heaven for the Samaritans - those peoples of mixed blood - some Jewish blood, some Gentile blood.  We read about it in Acts 8.  "Peter and John preached the gospel in many Samaritan villages." (Acts 8:25)

And now ... number 3 ... Peter unlocked the kingdom of heaven for the Gentiles.  Through Cornelius and his household.

Can we "get it"?  Can we understand?  Or do we still long to keep barrier walls between peoples?  As believers, do we want to keep walls up until a person thinks, looks, behaves, etc. just like "me"?

We need to allow Peter, through God's Spirit, to unlock some of our hearts.  To help us remember ...

All peoples have the same Creator -
From one man He made very nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.   (Acts 17:26)
All peoples have the same Savior -
Salvation is found in no one else, [Jesus Christ] for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.   (Acts 4:12)
Why does humanity love walls so much?  What is it about us that relishes exclusivity?   Jesus came to tear the walls down.  Peter responded - not without struggle - not without soul searching and prayer.  But he responded.  I am convinced that we can too!  Don't you want to?

If I learn anything from the story of Peter and Cornelius it is that God is no respecter of persons.  He invites ALL who search for Him to find Him.  When God called Abraham into that special covenant relationship with Himself, He said:
"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."  (Genesis 12: 2 - 3)
It is time ... past time ... for some of us to stand up and say, "As far as me and my house ... I will tear the barriers down."

There is a wonderful song, written by Jon Mohr and recorded by Steve Green that expresses better than I can these sentiments.  Hear his lyrics as we close today.

All throughout the spirit realm a fearsome battle rages
The fates of men and nations hang suspended in the fray
Walls designed by satan in the twilight of the ages
Now stand as great divisions all across the world today.

Walls not born of government nor strife amid the nations
But walls within our churches and between denominations
Stones of dry tradition carved in fear and laid in pride
Become a dismal prison to those withering inside.

The body weak and powerless, crippled by division
The victim of a tragic and most cruel civil war
Brother fighting brother over culture and tradition
While countless lost and dying lie as casualties of war

It's time to end the foolishness of warring with each other
And kneel in true repentance that our union be restored
May we then as brothers rally round the cross of Jesus
And carry on with diligence the mission of our Lord.

Oh children of God
Oh soon to be bride
Let us humble ourselves
and crucify pride
Throw off the flesh
and its pious facade
and unite in the name of God

Let the walls come down
Let the walls come down
Let the walls that divide us
and hide us come down
If in Christ we agree
Let us seek unity
Let the walls come down.

It will require a transformation of our minds ... impossible?  Not for those in whom God's Spirit dwells!  The Spirit of God transformed Peter's mind ... and He can transform yours and mine.