June 13, 2015

Peter as Pastor - Reminders - 2 Peter 1 (P 29)

We don't know how much time has elapsed since Peter's first letter.  Many scholars are not convinced that Peter even wrote this second epistle that bears his name.  Some think that another 'writer' penned the words, even after Peter's death, and applied his name to it for authenticity.  That was not an uncommon practice at the time.  Those scholarly debates are interesting (if such things interest you!) but they need not diminish our ability to glean wisdom from these pages from our biblical canon. Since Peter's name is on the letter, I plan to respond to it as if Peter were, indeed, the writer.

Let's begin ...    read 2 Peter 1: 1 - 15

Peter writes to believers.  He shares faith with them. His intro leads me to believe that he does not see himself "over" them ... they are all on equal, shared ground.  He loves them.  And he again longs for "grace and peace be theirs in abundance."  Not just a little ... abundance - overflow - excess - more than enough.

Grace - that undeserved favor of God
Peace - that sense of calm deep in one's soul that belies all chaos and circumstance

May they be yours as well.  May they be mine.  In abundance.   Today.

I have raised 3 girls into adulthood.  Translation?  I had 3 hormonal, teenage females in my house at one time. Some of you understand.  I felt like it was a frightening world to send teenage girls into 15 years ago.  It still is ... maybe more today than then..  Every time they left our house,  I reminded them of something ... "Remember who you are."  You see, I knew how easy it was to forget that.  I knew how quickly the world and circumstances could rob you of your true identity.  I knew something of the temptations the world dangles and their seductive power.  So the reminder ... over and over again ... the reminder.  "Remember who you are."

Peter loves his readers ... and he wants to remind them of something so incredibly important.  He does that in verses 3 - 12.  In verse 12 he says he intends to keep on reminding them.  In verse 13 he says he will refresh their memory as long as he has breath in his body.  In verse 15 he says he will remind them often enough so that they will recall these things even after he has died.

OK ... what was the reminder?  Transformation is a process.  It is a process that requires desire, diligence and determination.  We are in such a quick-fix culture.  Sick?  Take a pill.  BAM - done.  Overweight?  Take something.  No change of lifestyle or eating habits required ... just take a metabolism enhancer.  BAM - done.  Want to be a spiritual person?  Say a quick prayer every morning.  BAM - done.  Peter reminds believers that to be transformed into a person who reflects the image and glory of the Lord requires a tenacity of spirit.  It requires a focus on the goal and a determination to grow a little every day of our lives.  He is specific about the growth process.

Peter reminds his readers to focus on ... growing ... adding to ... effort.  We all begin with faith - our faith in the finished work of Jesus our Lord.  And to that faith, we WORK to add ...

 (not a mere passive quality, but the deliberate preference of right to wrong, the firm and persistent resistance of all moral evil, and the choosing and following of all moral good.  Easton's Bible Dictionary)

(Observation and recognition of objects within the range of one’s senses; acquaintance of a personal nature that includes a response of the knower.  Tyndale Bible Dictionary)

(Do we really need a definition of this?  The word can also be translated,' temperance')

(One of the virtues of the Christian life cited in the New Testament, produced during suffering and which itself could produce character (Rom. 5:3–4). The Greek term suggests “tolerance,” “forbearance,” “patience” (KJV, JB), and “perseverance” (NIV).  Eerdmans Bible Dictionary)

(The one true God, as creator and redeemer, requires an active obedience to his revealed will and a personal devotion that surpasses lip-service, mere trepidation, or bare admiration (e.g. Pr. 1:7; Is. 11:2; 33:6; Lk. 2:25; Acts 10:2; 22:12). Pre-eminently, Jesus is the godly One, whose prayers were heard because of his ‘godly fear’ or ‘reverent submission’ to the Father (Heb. 5:7). His death and heavenly exaltation makes it possible for others to offer to God, through him, acceptable worship or service, ‘with reverence and awe’ (Heb. 12:28).  The New Bible Dictionary)

mutual affection
(This term has to do with feelings and emotions ... toward fellow believers)

agape love
(to have love for someone or something, based on sincere appreciation and high regard. Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament)

That's quite a list, no?  To focus on the development of those characteristics on a daily basis can be daunting.  We can find ourselves tempted to throw up our hands and think that it's just not worth the effort.  Too hard.  Couldn't Peter have 'reminded' us to do a good deed for someone once a month?  Couldn't he have 'reminded' us to have a 5 minute 'quiet time' 3 days a week?   But no ... Peter 'reminds us, as believers, to diligently make every effort to develop these traits in our core being.  Transformation.  

Is it worth it?  The hard work ... the effort?  Oh YES!  Look again at verse 8:
"For if these things are yours and are increasing among you, they keep you from being ineffective and unfruitful ..."  (emphasis, mine)
What a promise!  This effort guarantees that my life will NOT be ineffective!  My life will NOT be unfruitful!  A life well lived ... to the glory of our Lord.  

OK, Peter ... I'll do it ... today.  I will make every effort ... today.  Even when I see the failures that will inevitably come, I will make the effort.  Today.  And Peter, remind me again tomorrow!

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