February 21, 2009

Lesson 6: Just Say Yes! Day 3

Isaiah 6: 6 - 8

Human need ... divine provision ... grateful, passionate response.

Have you ever experienced needing something and being completely unable to provide for that need? Think about a newborn baby. The little one desperately needs food. Without it - that life will be forfeit. So ... someone steps in to provide for that need. On a much more mundane level, when I have car trouble - I desperately need someone to step in and meet the need because I am totally unable to meet it myself!

The greatest human need is for atonement. Definition: "a making at one, points to a process of bringing those who are estranged into a unity." (The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Volume 1)
Our separation from God presents our deepest and most profound human need. And we can do absolutely nothing to meet the need. Try as we will ... through being good, through religious practice, through spiritual discipline, some try by denying that God even exists ... we cannot meet that primal need. So ... God steps in to meet it for us - to make us "at one" with Him. God provides. God supplies. Purity and wholeness can only come from God. He alone can meet that need. He alone can clothe us so that we can stand in His holy presence. He does so for Isaiah. And Isaiah fully realizes the extent and the power of the reality. Do I "get it"? Sometimes I wonder ... because, I think, when we "get it" lives are forever changed!

Isaiah hears God asking and immediately - no hesitation, no negotiating - responds. "Here am I. Send me." He could respond so quickly and so completely because he had seen God - because he understood what God had done for him. What is God asking of you right now? Is it to deal with some particular sin or habit that is harmful? Is it to be a peacemaker in some situation? Is it to tell of your faith to someone? Is it to forgive an offense? Is it to go to someone and seek amends for an offense that you were responsible for? Why are you waiting?

When you get a vision of the Holy God and what God has done for you, life is forever changed. Your path is changed. Your direction is changed. Your desires begin to transform.

Here we are Lord. Send us. Let us be difference-makers. Let us be the ones to show what it truly means to walk as "Christ-ian". Here we are Lord. Ready, willing, and able because of the sufficiency that You provide. Here we are.

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