April 14, 2010

A Light in the Darkness: Lesson 11, Day 2

We are in 2 Kings 5 this week, the story of the miraculous healing of Naaman. Today, read again verses 9 - 19a.

Were you surprised at Naaman's first reaction to the instructions from Elisha? They were incredibly simple. I suspect Naaman was accustomed to a certain level of deference from people. After all, he was a powerful man - one with the ear of the king. Elisha was not rude. He just treated Naaman as he would have treated anyone - no better, no worse. Naaman was used to being treated better! And I think it took him off guard. Have you ever been there? Ever been caught off guard and reacted badly? I think most of us can remember times when our reactions have been less than stellar!

That is the very reason I think we can learn a valuable lesson from Naaman. We see another servant willing to speak the truth to this master. First it was a young girl from Israel ... now it is a male servant traveling with the commander. How they must have trusted this man's character. They were not afraid of him. They were willing to give their opinions. And this master was willing to listen and weigh the words delivered to him, even from servants.

I see much in these verses that leads me to prayer. Are you willing to join me in this prayer?

Our Father ... I pray that You will put people in my life who are willing to tell me the truth. I pray that You will give me the eyes to see what kind of atmosphere I am creating in my own home. I long for it to be one of openness, of honesty, of gentleness. I want to be the kind of person that people are willing, unafraid, to say hard things to - even my children - those who may be "under" me. Give me Your wisdom so that I will be able to evaluate all things said to me. Give me a heart that is willing to change when needed. Help me lay aside the pride that wages war in my spirit. Thank You for preserving this encounter so that I can know about Naaman. You are the God of miracles ... of healing ... of courage. I join Naaman in saying, 'I know there is no God except You'. I worship You this day.

1 comment:

  1. People who have been friends for a long time can usually do this for each other -- tell the truth. This must be why God allows us to remain in contact. And Naaman was wise enough to understand the honesty from those under him.

    Just as a sidenote, taking "hard things to say" from grown children is easier than I thought. I knew he was sincere and wanted the best for me.
