June 18, 2009

Colossians: Week 3: Day 3

Colossians 2: 8 - 23 (continued)

The second theme that we see in these verses is the theme of sanctification. God's people have been told in both the Old Testament ( ex: Leviticus 20:26) and in the New Testament ( ex: 1 Peter 1:16) to live holy lives because God is a holy God. So the question for the Christian is, "How in the world do we do that as flawed human beings?" There is God's answer and there is man's answer. Christian's are given God's answer when they accept Christ, buried with Him through baptism and risen to walk a "new life". A person receives the Holy Spirit at his/her conversion (Acts 2:38; 1 Corinthians 3:16). We also learn from Galatians 2:20 that being crucified with Christ through baptism means that the life we now live, as believers, is Christ's life living through us. So ... to answer the question ... how can I be holy? God says to accept Christ, surrender yourself to Him and live by the Spirit of God. Indeed, a lifelong project ... but an amazingly thrilling one!

Man's answer to the question? We see some of man's answers in this passage. Paul has to confront some of the misconceptions that are being taught by the false teachers to the Colossian Christians. See if you find parallels for us today. These Gentile believers were being told that they had to be circumcised to be fully acceptable to God. Paul rebuts with a "not so" ... the physical mark of circumcision is not the necessity ... but the circumcision of the heart was what God wanted ... the cutting away of our old sinful flesh.

Then there were those imposing certain requirements regarding food and drink. Paul says, "no". Well, there were religious festivals and feasts and celebration days that had to be observed to be acceptable to God. Paul says, "no". OK, to be really spiritual you need to also worship the angels, those heavenly hosts. Paul says, "no". Countless regulations were being proposed as necessities for the believers to be in right relationship with God - to be sanctified before God. Paul says, "no" and seems to be astounded that these Christians would be lured by these teachings because they led one back into bondage.

OK - time for a reality check. Where are you? Are there certain practices that you feel are a part of your lifestyle as a believer? I hope your answer is "YES"! Do you impose them on others? Do you feel that one cannot be a true Christian without practicing their faith exactly like you do and thinking exactly like you do? These are tough questions and require an honest wrestling with God and the text. However, what I know for certain is this ... my holiness, my sanctification comes from the Holy Spirit dwelling in me. That holiness works its way out in my life as I learn to surrender more fully to His life within me. There is no greater miracle ...

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