November 17, 2009

Ephesians: Lesson 10 - Day 1

Well, my friends, you have made it to the final week of this study. Perseverance is a beautiful thing - and perseverance in a Bible study is something to be celebrated! I, for one, have never had a hard time getting excited at beginnings - never had any trouble starting things. It's the "finishing well" that presents the challenge. But we are finishing ...

For Lesson 10 - read Ephesians 6:10 - 24.

We have an enemy. And this enemy is not "flesh and blood". This enemy is the devil of old. And we are in the midst of a struggle. Who is this enemy? We learn from John 8:44 that he is a murderer and the father of lies. We learn from 1 Peter 5:8 that he is like a prowling lion - looking for those to devour. Refresh your memory of some of his tactics by reading Matthew 4: 1 - 11 again. Satan knows how to attack at our weakest moments and our most vulnerable places. He knows scripture ... and can artfully twist it to suit his own purposes. Listen to Warren Wiersbe: "Many Bible students believe that Satan was the anointed cherub whom God placed in charge of the newly created earth (Ezekiel 28: 11 - 19). through pride, he fell (Isaiah 14: 9 ff) and took with him a host of angelic beings who now make up his army of principalities and powers." He is a formidable foe. But never forget - he is a defeated foe! Christ went head to head with Satan ... and emerged victorious. Satan's primary tool against man was death. And our Lord rendered that a powerless threat.

Paul calls our conflict with Satan a "struggle" (verse 12) The Greek word that he has chosen is the word pale. This word means "a wrestling contest; a contest between two in which each endeavors to throw the other, and which is decided when the victor is able to hold his opponent down with his hand upon his neck." With the choice of this particular word, I think Paul is reminding us that Satan cannot kill us! Remember who you are ... ALIVE in Christ, seated with Him in the heavenly places, sealed in Him by the Holy Spirit of promise. We have learned all of those truths in this book of Ephesians. I believe that Satan knows his power is limited. It is in this "struggle" we see Satan's work. It is to keep you down - to keep you down so that you are ineffective to the kingdom of God - to diminish your witness - to pin you down so that you doubt your hope and your security and your ALREADY victory. So Paul says, STAND ...

Always remember, this struggle is not against flesh and blood. It really is not against human beings. Even when humanity is used by Satan to spread inconceivable violence and evil ... our struggle is not really with those humans. Keep your mind clear about that. Identify the source - the true source. Strive to be "Christ" to people - all kinds of people. And "stand firm in the strength of His might" against Satan.

We have an enemy ... he is real ... he is formidable ... he is limited ... and, most importantly, he is DEFEATED!!


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