February 1, 2011

Life Source - Week 3 - Day 1 ** John 6: 1 - 24

Today, read John 6: 1 - 24

First, let's consider the miracle, the "sign", in verses 1 - 15.  I wish I had been there!  Did the bread "grow"?  Did the baskets just stay full?  What did that look like?  Could you see it appear?  So many questions!

Several things stand out to me as I read this event.  One is the way our Lord used this opportunity to teach and train His own disciples.  He knew what He was about to do.  And yet He keeps asking questions of the disciples.  It is the same way we teach our children when we are doing it well.  It kept the disciples thinking.  They were trying to figure out how to make this work.  That means they were engaged in the process.  Teaching is so much more effective when your students are engaged in the process!  Ask any teacher.  Ask any mom.  Jesus takes the extra time to train these men.  He could have just done it ... but He didn't.  He trained. 

I love the phrase that begins verse 12 ... "When they had all had enough ..."  Enough.  What a beautiful idea.  What an illusive idea.  Jesus provided enough for the people that day.  I know that the specific reference is to the food.  But ... consider the reality that Jesus still provides enough.  He is enough.  That means that fullness and satisfaction come from Him ... He is enough.  Spend some time today thinking about the myriad of ways that Jesus is your "enough".  That will be worship! 

I am challenged in verse 12 when Jesus told them to collect the leftovers so that nothing would be wasted.  Our particular culture is so wasteful.  Those little words from our Lord remind me to be more aware of my own tendencies to be careless and wasteful with the blessings that He continually pours out on me.  What can you do this week to help curb the waste in your own life?  I am going to be more aware of intentional food buying - not just filling the refridge and watching it spoil!  I am going to get into that closet of mine and recycle clothes that are good and still in style and just never worn.  What are some ideas you have to help with our tendency toward waste?

The people are so overwhelmed by this display of abundant food supply, we are told they intended to make Jesus king by force.  Not sure how you do that ... but there was some plan evidently.  Wouldn't Jesus have made a terrific king?!  Think of all the good He could do - "a chicken in every pot and a car in every driveway" - kind of thinking.  Was that a temptation for our Lord?  I think it was.  I think it was like the temptation in Matthew 4: 8 - 9.  Jesus would have been a great ruler.  But that was not the God-ordained path.  That would have been temporary solutions.  That would have left man in our pitiful, hopeless state of separated from God.  So, Jesus went into solitary with His Father ... He needed strength to resist temptation.  If Jesus needed that ... how much more do you and I!?  He needed some alone time with God perhaps to recenter Himself on His primary mission.  If Jesus needed that ... how much more do you and I?!
Do it this week.  Make time for it this week.  You and your Father ...

Consider verses 16 - 24 ... the storm, the walking on the water, the miraculous arrival at the destination.  There are so many lessons we can glean for ourselves here.   First, I think it is important to remember that the disciples were NOT out of God's will by being in that boat.  Jesus had sent them there.  That is where they were supposed to be ... and the storm came anyway.  Following Jesus does not mean a life that is storm-free.  In fact, just the opposite!  Storms will come into each of our lives.  The difference that following Jesus makes is that He is there - in the middle of the storm.  Therefore, there is no need for fear.  "It is I.  Don't be afraid".  Those are still the most encouraging words to me.  Don't be too quick to pass judgement on a decision that you have prayed over and felt that it was in God's will for you if the circumstances get stormy.  Listen to Henry Blackaby:
The outward appearance of success does not always indicate faith, and the outward appearance of failure does not always indicate that faith is lacking.  A faithful servant is one that does what his Master tells him whatever the outcome may be.
Trust the Lord in your storms.  He may calm the storm and bring peaceful circumstances.  (Mark 4: 37 - 41)  He may allow a shipwreck to further His purposes. (Acts 27: 27 - 44)  Or He may just get you to the other side as He does in this passage.  What is required of us?  Follow the example of the disciples in verse 21: "They were willing to take Him into the boat".  Is Jesus "in your boat"?  He will not force His way in.  He will wait for the invitation.  What circumstance is stormy for you right now?  Why not stop and ask Jesus to get in with you?  Take Him in!

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