When Jesus appeared in the room with the disciples ... His first greeting ... "Peace". We see that repeated 3 times: verses 19 and 21 and then in verse 26 when Jesus came to them a second time when Thomas was also present. Jesus knew "peace" was their greatest need. The had locked themselves away because they were afraid of the authorities. Their world had crumbled ... their hope was gone ... I can only imagine the confusion, the anxiety, the hopelessness they must have felt. And Jesus, risen, enters the room with the word, peace. The Greek word used in all three instances is the word eirene. Listen to the description of this word from "Practical Word Studies in the New Testament":
The word means peace, harmony, agreement; to bind together; to join and weave together. It means order instead of chaos. It means that one is bound, woven, joined together with himself and with God and with others. The Hebrew word is shalom. It means freedom from trouble and much, much more. It means experiencing the highest good, enjoying the very best, possessing all the inner good possible. It means wholeness and soundness. It means prosperity in the widest sense, especially prosperity in the spiritual sense of having a soul that blossoms and flourishes. ... There is the peace of Christ and of God. This is a bosom peace, a peace deep within. It is a tranquility of mind, a composure, a peace that settles and strengthens the believer even through the most terrible circumstances and situations. It is more than feelings, even more than attitude and thought.
What a word! Jesus ... offering these confused, frightened disciples ... peace. How in the world do you have 'peace' in the midst of wretched circumstances? These folks were afraid for their very lives. Did you see the source? Jesus says the words ... then He gave them the Holy Spirit so that the source would be available. He gave His Spirit through His breath. He breathed on them ...
At the creation of the world when God formed man from the dust of the earth ... man was not "alive" until God breathed on him. (Genesis 2:7) Likewise ... man/woman can have no spiritual life, cannot be truly "alive" until the breath of God through the person of the Holy Spirit indwells his/her own spirit.
How can we experience that "breath of God"? Acts 2: 38 - 39 says, "Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children, and for all who are far off - for all whom the Lord our God will call." We can experience the "breath of God". And there is peace ...
Don't leave this chapter without noticing the movement here.
In verses 1 - 18 ... Mary moves from despair to joy. Why? Because of the presence of Jesus. Do you need that same movement in your life? It's the presence of Jesus ...
In verses 19 - 23 ... the disciples move from fear to courage. How? By the presence of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Do you need that same movement in your life? It's the presence of Jesus ...
In verses 24 - 28 ... Thomas moves from unbelief to confidence. How? By the presence of Jesus. Do you need to move from doubt to faith? Pray ... ask that God, through the Holy Spirit, confirm to you as He did to Thomas, that the presence of Jesus is real ... as real as the hand at the end of your arm.
In verses 29 - 31 ... ALL can move from death to life! How? By the presence of Jesus. Life is in His name. Do you need to move out of the walking dead into the forever alive? Jesus.
And then ... let there be peace!