January 20, 2012

Philippians - Partnership (Lesson 1 - Post 3)

One more time ... read again Philippians 1: 1 - 11.

Today I want us to focus on why Paul was so thankful for these Philippians believers.  It's in verse 4 ... he is so thankful to God for them because they have chosen to "partner" with him in the work of the gospel.  They were in a partnership. 

In our group Bible study of this passage ... we began to toss out characteristics of good, healthy partnerships.  The lists were good ... thoughtful.  There were things like
  • common purpose
  • trust
  • mutual respect
  • no "control" mongers!
  • a two-way street
You may want to add some other characteristics that you have experienced in good partnerships. 

In this particular partnership ... the goal was to advance the Gospel.  They demonstrated their partnership by praying for each other.  There was financial help and support.  They endured the same struggles. 

One thing that moved me as I read these verses from Paul ...
    • Paul said he "remembered them" (verse 3) - that means these people were in his mind.
    • Paul said "I have you in my heart" (verse 7) - that means that he was emotionally connected with them - they were in his heart.
    • Paul said "I always pray for all of you" (verse 4) - that means they were a part of his regular habit of prayer.
That particular trio is a marvelous way for us to test our own partnerships. 

Head .......... Heart .......... Prayer

If you are married, think right now about your marriage and your spouse.  Do you have him/her in your head, heart and prayers?  We can even apply this to our work partnerships ... if they are true partnerships there is a place for us to keep those people in our heads, hearts, and prayers.  And what about your church partnership- the part of the body of Christ where you are currently serving and worshiping.  Do you keep her in your head, your heart, your prayers?  In all three of these arenas, we can be tempted to just complain about them - especially when there are struggles involved.  Why not today ... with Paul as our example ... recommit to being a good partner! 

And remember ... this is not just to make your life more pleasant or easier ... Paul tells us it is all "to the glory and praise of God!"  

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