November 17, 2012

Authority 2 (Matthew 8 - P 21)

Let's finish chapter 8 today.  Read Matthew 8: 23 - 34.

The lens through which we are observing Matthew 8 is the lens of authority.  We are witnessing Matthew's accounting of Jesus demonstrating his absolute authority over so many things that exist in this natural, fallen world of ours.  We have observed Jesus' authority over leprosy, illness and fevers.  Today our verses give us the opportunity to see Jesus' authority over storms - winds and waves ... and over demons.

This Jesus ... this Lord ... has AUTHORITY over disease - the things that rack our bodies and cause such pain ... over the natural forces - the things that often cause mayhem and destruction in our lives ... over demons - the forces of evil that are unleashed in our world.  This Lord ... I will worship!

Verses 23 - 27 hold a particular fondness for me.  Let  me tell you a story ...

It was January, 1991.  I was teaching a class of Junior High girls on Wednesday nights at my church.  It was a small class.  Rather than use any workbooks, I was hoping to train the girls to read the Bible and make their own applications for their lives.  We were following a simple, 3 step plan for Bible study.  They were keeping a notebook.  The steps are:
  1. Facts ... just identify the facts of the story.  It is reminiscent of the old "Dragnet" TV show ... "Just the facts, ma'am."
  2. Lessons ... identify any lessons you can learn from the story.
  3. Application ... how can you apply the lessons to your own life.
That's the plan.  Simple.  Straightforward. 

In January, 1991, then President George H. W. Bush launched an attack on Iranian forces that had invaded Kuwait.  Remember?  It was a Wednesday.  The radio programs were full of dire predictions.  There was even talk of Armageddon.  Fear was rampant.  The leaders at my church decided to disband the various classes that night and have everyone come to the chapel for a prayer service.  I was told that I could either have my class as usual or join the prayer service.  I decided to keep my little group of girls in class ... some normalcy.  Most people were staying close to television and radio.  That night only 5 girls showed up for class.  And when they came in ... they were scared ... quiet ... anxious.  If you know anything about early teen girls - that is not normal.  

We were at this particular story - Jesus calming the storm.  So we began our process.  Facts, girls ... what are the facts.  And they did a good job of relating the event - just the facts.  Then I asked for lessons they could learn.  These girls responded with ...

When Jesus is present, you don't have to be afraid.
When you are in trouble, go to Jesus.
Jesus is really in control, even when you don't think so.

Beautiful lessons ... profound truths ... without any instruction from me.  So when I then asked for applications, they were obvious.  And I witnessed a miracle that night.  Five young girls turned back into giggling, silly middle school girls - the anxiety was gone!  

As I drove home that night, I was overwhelmed with the wonder of what I had seen.  In the eyes of the world, there would be no more insignificant group than that little band of 5 girls.  But they mattered to God.  He was present.  The Holy Spirit calmed their fears and settled their hearts - through His Word.  I had not "taught" them anything that night ... God, Himself, had taught them.  And I was privileged to witness the transformation.  

Those lessons remain for us today.  In a time when fear and anxiety seem to rule the day, as believers we must remember these truths.  

What do you learn from the knowledge that Jesus has authority over the natural world - authority over the demonic forces in our world?  Why not take a message from 5 middle school girls ... and rest well.  

Pray ... ask Jesus to calm the storms raging in your own heart ... and trust that He will do just that.  

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