Matthew 25: 1 - 13
This is no contrived story. It is actually the way weddings worked in Palestine. The exact moment when the bridegroom came for his bride was unknown. That was part of the "fun"! So readiness was of utmost importance. When he came for her, he sent a "crier", his friend, ahead crying out, "Behold! the bridegroom is coming!" - so the bridal party had to be ready to go out into the street at any time to meet him. And when the parade to the house was complete, the door was closed and no one else was admitted into the celebration. This is no contrived story ... it was a very familiar scene for the Jewish audience to which Jesus spoke.
So what is Jesus saying to you through this story? Of course the primary lesson to be learned is "Be ready ... the bridegroom will come at any time." There are also warnings embedded in this story. Let's turn our attention to them.
First ... I learn through this illustrative story of Jesus that there is such a thing as being "too late". Have you experienced that? Have you ever missed something important to you because you were too late? Also, we are reminded often that our lives can be finished in an instant.
- a shooter walks into a school
- an explosion happens at a manufacturing plant or an oil refinery
- a bomb goes off at a public race
- two cars collide going incredibly fast
- an avalanche breaks loose and wipes out any in its path
- a plane goes down
The reality is ... WE REALLY ONLY HAVE TODAY! I know I say that ... but so often I live as if I do not believe it.
Michael Wilkins wrote:
My wife and I have made a commitment that we don't ever want to say "if only": if only we had taken care of our health more; if only we had spent more time with our kids; if only we had been more disciplined to pay off our debts; if only we had not allowed that relationship quirk to pull us apart.
There is wisdom there. And even more importantly ... never to have to say, "If only I had accepted Jesus and surrendered myself to him."
Are you prepared? For the bridegroom? Washed clean by the blood of Jesus? Having invited Him into your very soul and life? Are you prepared? There is such a thing as "too late".
Secondly ... I learn through this illustrative story that there are some things I cannot borrow from others. I cannot borrow a relationship with God. I must possess it for myself. I cannot borrow character from another person. It must be in my own possession ... transforming me daily. I cannot bank on spiritual capital that belongs to someone else.
Are you building your own storehouse of necessities for the wedding feast? Your faith? Your relationship with God? Your transformation? You will not be able to "borrow" ... from your parents, a spouse, a good friend ... at the last minute. It just doesn't work that way.
Be prepared.
Live as though Jesus is coming back today;
Plan as though he is not coming back for a hundred years.
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