September 14, 2009

Ephesians: Lesson 1 - Day 2

Before we begin to examine the verses of Ephesians in detail, there is a place in Acts where we get a bit of historical perspective.

Read Acts 19:1 - 20:2. These events take place during Paul's 3rd journey to establish churches. As you read, try and get a sense of the people and the culture in this magnificent city. Read this passage first ... then come back ...

I was amazed at the "spiritual"-ness of the Ephesians - they were very much into things of the supernatural world. The culture was immersed in sorcery and magicians arts ... and it was all part of the economic strength of Ephesus. The natural harbor that had been the economic strength of Ephesus had gradually receded due to silting. As a result, tourism became the major economic strength. People from all over came to Ephesus to visit the magnificent temples, the library, the theater. And, of course, souvenirs must be sold so that folks could tell of their adventure. Things haven't changed all that much have they!

As the message of Jesus Christ, and the power of His Holy Spirit, began to spread like a wildfire throughout the region, verse 19 tells us that many who practiced sorcery (magic arts) brought their books, their scrolls, into a public place and had a bonfire - burned them all - calculated to have a value of 50,000 pieces of silver. A piece of silver was considered a good day's wage. Do the math. It's staggering!! I can only fantacize about what that scene must have been like. Talk about "revival"! And it leads me to the question ... what will it take for me to experience revival in my own heart and mind? Do you need one, a revival? Don't let your mind go immediately to your spouse, or your kids, or your church ... let it rest on you, personally. Need a revival? I have loved the song, "Cleanse Me", and am always moved by the prayer in Verse 4 of that song: "O Holy Spirit, revival comes from Thee. Send a revival, start the work in me." That's where revival always begins ... in the hearts and minds of individuals who are moved by the grace of God and stirred by the invitation He offers to participate with Him in changing the world.

My world is the circle around me and yours is the circle around you; the places we go and the interactions we encounter on a daily basis. Do you want to be a difference-maker in your world? Identify the things that hold you back - the things that intefere with your surrender to the Lordship of Jesus - and have a figurative bonfire! Don't plan to store them away on a high shelf - burn them! I have read of young adults literally breaking up CDs they owned when they were convicted of ways that particular music was dulling their senses to the things of God. I have experienced the power of naming a sin that was holding me captive, writing it on a piece of paper, and literally burning it. We often pray for revival - in our homes, our churches and our country - never forget that revival always starts with the "one".

Need to have a bonfire?

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