October 27, 2011

No Knowledge - Hosea 4:1 - 6:3 (Week 8 - Post 1)

The book of Hosea contains 4 messages, or sermons, from the prophet.  The first message is in chapters 1 - 3 which we considered in Week 7.   It describes the physical circumstances that God led Hosea through in order to picture the wretchedness of Israel's condition.

In Week 8 we will look at Hosea's second message.  Commentators disagree on where to place a break between messages 2 and 3.  For our purposes, we are going to follow the break point that is used by Kay Arthur in her Precept study on Hosea.  Therefore, we will consider Message 2 to be Hosea 4:1 - 6:3.  That is the assignment for today ... read Hosea 4:1 - 6:3. 

Israel has experienced a long, slow slide into spiritual adultery.  It is the principle of erosion.  Erosion is almost imperceptible to the eye.  Trees don't suddenly die ... there is a weakening process that leaves them susceptible to disease and death.  Then one day, we look at the tree and it is brown and our response is "When did that happen?"  Relationships don't suddenly die ... there is a slow disintegration of care and good conversation and concern for the other.  Then one day we realize that there is nothing left and our response is "How did that happen?"  Gardens don't immediately become overrun with weeds ... there is ignoring it, putting off care for another day.  Then one day we look and our garden is completely enveloped with weeds, the flowers are gone, and our response is, "How in the world did that happen?  It seems that just yesterday it looked great!"  Spiritual erosion follows the same pattern.  Put off thinking about it for another day ... then another ... then a week is past ... then a month ... has it been a whole year since we have been with the family of God?  I know we were there last Christmas.  This is October ... Wow, time flies!  But you know we are so busy.  I need Sunday to get my grocery shopping done and get ready for the coming week.  We will get re-connected later.  Always later ...
Erosion is a deadly process ... it is slow and steady decline.  Israel has eroded ... have you?

This erosive slide of Israel had taken them to a state that Moses and Joshua, that David and Samuel would not have recognized.  Did you catch it in verses 1 and 6?  There is no knowledge of God in the land!  And it is not because the knowledge was unavailable ... it is because the people had rejected it.  They didn't want to know what God was like ... they did not want to know what God's values are ... they did not want to know what God expected of them as His people.  They did not want to know because they wanted to do what they wanted to do when and how they wanted to do it.  Sound familiar? 

Remember Micah 6:8?  God had said, what I expect of you is to love mercy, act kindly, and walk humbly with me.  The people said, "Ummm ... no thanks.  Don't want to."

God had said, "Do not kill."  The people said, "Ummm ... don't think that works for me."

God had said, "Do not commit adultery."  The people said, "Ummm ... but I want to do this.  I need it."

God had said, "Have no other gods before me".  The people said, "Ummm ... but the peoples around us will think us strange.  They have some really cool and exciting gods.  The worship of them is incredibly stimulating!  Makes me feel really good.  Sorry, Jehovah ... can't do this one." 

And on and on ...

Until ... there is no knowledge of God in the land.  My friends ... I fear that our nation is on that same path. 

So today ... you and I ... may we remember the "But As For Me" club and determine that WE will not walk on that road.  I long to know Christ.  We are committed to growing ever deeper in our knowledge of God through His written word.  I appreciate you so much for walking with me. 

And hear again the words of Jeremiah the prophet as he speaks for God in Jeremiah 29:13 - 14a

You will seek Me and find Me,
when you search for Me with all your heart.
And I will be found by you, declares the Lord ...

All our hearts ... all.

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