James 2: 20 - 26.
Do you want to be shown, you senseless person, that faith apart from works is barren? Was not our ancestor Abraham justified by works when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was brought to completion by the works. Thus the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness," and he was called the friend of God. You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. Likewise, was not Rahab the prostitute also justified by works when she welcomed the messengers and sent them out by another road? For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.
James seems to have a hard time understanding why this question of faith and works is difficult. It seems to be a "duh" question in his mind. Hence he calls his readers "senseless". Other translations use "foolish fellow" or "foolish man". Barclay translates it: "you empty creature". James certainly does not mince words does he? Then he sends his Jewish readers back into their own heritage.
Abraham? Yes, he believed ... and that belief led to action. (Genesis 22)
Rahab? Yes, she believed ... and that belief led to action. (Joshua 2)
Faith that is truly life saving faith, faith that moves us beyond the kind of head-knowledge that even the demons possess ... DOES SOMETHING! It has hands and feet. It determines behaviors. It determines choices.
How you treat the people in your office is determined by your faith. Notice, how your "treat" ... that's behavioral, that's action, that's works.
How you train your children, how you interact with your spouse is determined by your faith. Notice, how your "train", how you "interact" ... that's behavioral, that's action, that's works.
How you do is response to a need brought to your attention is determined by your faith. Notice, what you "do" ... that's behavioral, that's action, that's works.
Go into any court of law and listen to testimony. A word is taken when it is accompanied by evidence. The evidence gives credibility to the testimony. It's the same here. You believe? Great - show me the evidence.
While we so often exist in an either/or world, I submit to you that James is saying both/and. Rather than making a choice whether you are a "faith" person or a "works" person, we are to be "both" persons. These two things are inseparable.
Are you familiar with the art work of M. C. Escher? He was a Dutch graphic artist (1898 - 1972) who is best known for his mathematically inspired designs reflecting infinity, tessellations and seemingly impossible constructions. One of my favorite Escher drawings is "Parade of Ants". It was inspired by German mathematician, August Mobius, and his work with symmetry. Mobius found that a half-twisted strip has 2 surfaces but only one side. As you look at this drawing, determine which side is top and which is bottom. Select one ant and follow its path. Where does it cross over the edge to get to the other side? Hmmm ... could it be that faith and works function like a mobius strip? Two surfaces but only one side?
May our faith be visible this week. May it be the driving force behind our decisions and our behaviors. Then no one will be able to say of us: You have faith? What good is it?
Lord, today help each of us walk out our faith. I pray that each of us will have opportunities to make it visible to those around us - not because we talk about it - but because we live it. We long for our faith to be alive, vital, fresh - as alive as Your Spirit in us.