April 23, 2012

Favoritism - James 2: 1 - 7 (P10)

James 2: 1 - 7

My brothers and sisters, do you with your acts of favoritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ?  For if a person with gold rings and in fine clothes comes into your assembly, and if a poor person in dirty clothes also comes in, and if you take notice of the one wearing the fine clothes and say, "Have a seat here, please," while to the one who is poor you say, "Stand there," or, "Sit at my feet," have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?  Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters. Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him?  But you have dishonored the poor.  Is it not the rich who oppress you?  Is it not they who drag you into court?  Is it not they who blaspheme the excellent name that was invoked over you?

The language used in "The Message" translation by Eugene Peterson brings the scenario directly into our culture.  He translates, "Don't let public opinion influence how you live out our glorious, Christ-originated faith.  If a man enters your church wearing an expensive suit, and a street person wearing rags comes in right after him, ...  Listen, dear friends.  Isn't it clear by now that God operates quite differently?"

In James 1:17, James has just said that true religion includes our desire to keep ourselves unstained by the world.  There is nothing more 'worldly' than preferential treatment of those we think are important - those we think would be advantageous to know.  It was even happening "at church" in James' day!  Appalling, no?  Ever happen in your place?  Ever happen in your heart?

It is NOT God's way.  And this did not just come about in the New Testament.  Listen ...

Leviticus 19:15 - Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.

Deuteronomy 10:17 - For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.

Paul summarizes it succinctly in Romans 2:11 - For God does not show favoritism.  Period.

So ... we know our bend toward showing favoritism is not from God.  Therefore, where must it come from?  I need to enter into some confession about now, what about you?  Don't miss that James goes so far as to say that when we exercise this vice, we become judges with evil thoughts.  That's serious.

How we do struggle with passing judgment on external things.  James specifically calls economics to the spotlight in this passage ... but I can think of other ways we discriminate against people as well.  There is intellect.  There is dress.  There is body piercings and tattoos.  There is the way people talk.  There is color.  There is the part of the country or part of the world from which they come.  There is the way they parent children.  There is their political views and opinions.  And on and on ... we make assumptions, pass judgment, and bring division.

Charles Swindoll wrote:  "God, our wise and creative Maker, has been pleased to make everyone different and no one perfect.  The sooner we appreciate and accept that fact, the deeper we will appreciate and accept one another, just as our Designer planned us."

Never forget ... Jesus took people (including you and me) right where they were, just as they were ... and invited them to walk with Him.  Can we do less?    James says, No.  Jesus is our model.  

Lord, thank you for accepting us when we were messy and dirty and poor and wretched and blind and deaf.  Thank you for not requiring us to clean up or measure up before you wrapped your arms around us and welcomed us.  May Your Spirit in us give us the will and the power to extend that grace to EVERY person we encounter - especially to those who walk into our midst.  And we well know that the power to do so comes from You ... therefore the glory belongs to You.  Open our eyes ...

1 comment:

  1. outstanding message. I am actually writing on this very subject coming out of James 2:8-13, which i see you have a message on that as well. This message is a gut check. James doesn't seem to be one to mince words and will tell it to you straight.
