March 24, 2009

God Speaks to the Church - Introduction

Welcome! I am glad that you have decided to journey with us as we explore what God says to the church in Revelation 2 and 3. The book of Revelation was not written as a riddle for curious Christians who like puzzles. It was written for believers who were under a great deal of pressure from the state, from religious institutions, from their economy, and even from fellow church members. Sound familiar? Sound important for you and I?

It is also the only book in the Bible that states a couple of remarkable things: Read Rev. 1:3 and Rev. 22:7 I want to be in that group of people, don't you!?

So often, our focus in a study of Revelation seems to revolve around various interpretations of the symbolism that is in the book. And countless arguments are written to defend a particular interpretation or to disprove someone else's interpretation. In the midst of the debates over interpretations, it is easy to miss the point of the book! The central focus of Revelation is JESUS.

The word "revelation" comes from a Greek word that means 'to bring to light, to disclose, to unveil'. What is to be unveiled in this revelation? Jesus.

My prayer for us as we begin: Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus. Open our ears Lord, we want to hear your word for the church so that we can respond.

Outline of the study:
Lesson 1: Revelation 1 Setting the Scene
Lesson 2: Revelation 2:1 - 11 Ephesus & Smryna
Lesson 3: Revelation 2:12 - 29 Pergamum & Thyatira
Lesson 4: Revelation 3: 1 - 13 Sardis & Philadelphia
Lesson 5: Revelation 3: 14 - 5:14 Laodicea & Christ Revealed

I am excited to be walking through these verses with you. Remember, feel free to comment on the day's work. What is the Lord saying to you as you study? How does it apply? What is a necessary component for your own life and faith walk? Let's begin ...

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