January 29, 2009

Lesson 3: Open Your Eyes! Day 4

Exodus 34: 29 - 32

We learn that Moses' appearance was changed because he had spoken with God. Being in intimate relationship with the Lord does change people. It changed Peter and Paul and John and Martha and so many others. I wonder if they looked somewhat different also. And it begs the question: How am I different when I consistently spend time with God? Am I different at all? If not, why not? I think it will effect our countenance - the turn of your face - the light in your eye - the "worry lines" that crease our faces. Will there be more calmness in spirit? How do you think you are changed because of spending time with God? Do you think it is visible to others - particulary those closest to you? I am trying to decide if I have the courage to ask!

I find it interesting that the Israelites, his people who knew him well, were afraid to come near him because of a "radiance". I wonder if they were afraid he had something contageous? May I catch some of that "disease"! They finally were convinced to come near to him - at which time Moses gave them the commands that the Lord had given to him. It is so vitally important that people know what God expects ... His commands. And Moses passes on the iinformation. Do I? How do I (how do you) pass on the things of God? To children? To friends? To those who come into our circles of influence?

The other thing that impacts me from these few verses is the fact that the people would not come near to Moses, would not listen to him, because they were afraid of the way he looked. When I look for a lesson in that fact ... I think it is: try to hear someone, to really listen to them before you "run" or write them off. When have I refused to listen to someone out of fear? Perhaps fear of an appearance that is not like me. Or fear of something I "think" they may believe. Or fear over some rumors about them that I have heard. One of my daughters gave me a book for Christmas titled: "Listening is an Act of Love". That's true, you know. Jesus instructs us to love. And one profound way to exhibit love is to listen.

I'm going to try and be a better "listener" this week.

Lesson 3: Open Your Eyes! Day 3

Exodus 33:18-23
Moses was so audacious! And God did not seem to mind at all. In fact, God responded to Moses' requests. It seems that God really wants to be known by us - in the ways that we can know. God really wants relationship with humankind. That's you and me! As I watch Moses I am so moved by his comfortableness, his boldness with God. I want more of that kind of relationship with God myself. Do you? Talk to Him about that - in humility - expressing your own hearts desire. But then we read verse 20: "But you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live." I am reminded once again, in spite of God's invitation for us to enter into comfortable relationship with Him, He is still the awesome "other". Actually, that makes His desire for relationship all the more amazing!

Verse 21: "There is a place near me where you may stand ..." WOW - an invitation, by God, to be near Him. He still provides places near Him. Where can you stand in your life and know that you are near the Presence of God? Can it happen surrounded by your children and family, your work colleagues, your schoolmates? How? I want to be in the place "near Him". I believe it has to do with heart position. And recognizing that the Presence is "in" you - that's about as "near" as one can get! One of my favorite of the old hymns says ...

There is a place of quiet rest, near to the heart of God
A place where sin cannot molest, near to the heart of God
There is a place of comfort sweet, near to the heart of God
A place where we our Savior meet, near to the heart of God
There is a place of full release, near to the heart of God
A place where all is joy and peace, near to the heart of God.
O Jesus, blest Redeemer, sent from the heart of God
Hold us, who wait before Thee, near to the heart of God.

May you take your stand in that place - the place that is provided by God - the place that is "near Him".

January 28, 2009

Lesson 3: Open Your Eyes! Day 2

Exodus 33: 15 - 17

From verse 15 ... Moses is absolutely sure that he does not want to move at all unless the Presence of the Lord goes with them. How wise he was - to beg God not to send them forward without His Presence. He recognized the absolute necessity of it. Do I? Or do I still believe that I can muddle along on my own? Then I have to ask myself: Is there anywhere that I go (either physically or mentally) where I would not want the Presence of the Lord with me? If I answer, yes ... I would rather the Lord not be with me when I am ______________, then I have some soul-searching to do! And, of course, it is folly to think that you, as a Spirit-indwelt believer, go anywhere without the Lord. He is with you ... always ... even to the end of the age. He goes where you go ... So I guess the appropriate question for us is: Am I embarrassed knowing the Lord is with me at ___________? Don't go anywhere without Him!

It is the Presence of the Lord that distinguishes us - that sets us apart as believers. Moses knew that (verse 16). How does God's presence in your life distinguish you from others? As a woman? As an American? The distinguishing mark of the Lord is love. (He told us to leave the judgment stuff to Him.) It requires His presence to love well - not those that you naturally love - those that you do not! As I think about responding to this day's work ... I think I want to love more - both vertically, loving God with more of me, and horizontally, loving those around me better. And that, my friends, will definitely take the Presence of the Lord to accomplish!

Let that Presence be your distinguishing "birthmark"!

Lesson 3: Open Your Eyes! Day 1

Exodus 33: 12 - 14
Were you intrigued by the familiar and easy conversation between Moses and God? I understand better what scripture means in Exodus 33:11 when it describes the relationship between Moses and God as "friend". Why do we so often turn prayer into a formalized list of requests? You get the feeling from these verses that Moses went to this tent of meeting for a "chat" with God. Does that seem too "familiar"? I don't think Moses ever went carelessly or without the respect and reverence for God that is appropriate for mankind. But there is also a level of "comfortableness". I am going to aim for more conversational communication with God this week ... less formal. It seems to me that some kind of conversational interchange running throughout the day is the only way to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17)

I also learn that it is OK to question God ... I don't mean to challenge Him, or to demand that He explain Himself ... but to ask for clarification. "Clarify this for me Lord". "I don't understand what I am to do in the midst of this." Moses even reminds God of something that He said previously! Did Moses think God had forgotten? I doubt it. I learn from this example that it is also OK to repeat words and promises that God has given - not for God's benefit, but for my own. I need to remember the words ... I need to clarify in my heart and mind my trust in those previous words. As we follow Moses' example here, use scripture as you talk to God. It seals it in your own heart ... it tells God that you believe what He has said.

As we close today's work ... watch for the Presence of God in your day today. He is there!

January 26, 2009

Lesson 3: Open Your Eyes

I am excited to see what our next step in this study will place in our laps! Let me share with you my major "take home" lessons from our first two weeks.
Lesson 1: You're Sleeping! I learn from Josiah to never underestimate my influence over those around me - even those I cannot see. The Word of the Lord was found and reestablished as the standard under Josiah. Idolatry was dealt a blow. And the result could be seen generations down the path. Daniel, Ezra, Ezekiel ... all these God-followers in the coming generations can thank God for the work of Josiah. Never underestimate your influence ...

Lesson 2: Wake Up! I learn from Ezekiel to not focus on the muck and mire that can surround me but to look up. I learn that God does condescend to communicate with mankind. And that mankind can receive the communication. I praise God for His desire and willingness to condescend - to even me!

Now we are ready to move into Lesson 3. This week our verses are going to come from Exodus 33-34. First, as an overview, read those 2 chapters in one sitting ... no notes right now ... just read for content and context. Then we will move into specifics ... pencil in hand!

Work the 5-Step process on:

Day 1: Exodus 33: 12 - 14
Day 2: Exodus 33: 15 - 17
Day 3: Exodus 33: 18 - 23
Day 4: Exodus 34: 29 - 32

May God bless your study this week ...

January 24, 2009

Lesson 2: Wake Up! Day 4

I love that God told Ezekiel to "stand up and I will speak to you". (2:1) And I am reminded again that God wants to speak to us and He wants us to pay attention! God is not silent. He speaks. I must ask myself: How am I paying attention? How am I keeping myself alert to hear His words? Your commitment to work through this study, to learn to be a better "listener" as you go to scripture, is one of the ways to sharpen our hearing. So ... keep on! Don't let the busy-ness of your days keep you from listening. Don't let any discouragement win out! Just keep going. So, you missed a few days? Get back on track. Try again. Recommit. God speaks - are you listening?

In verse 2 of chapter 2 we learn that the Spirit came into Ezekiel and raised him to his feet. In other words, God had said, "Stand up." And it seems that Ezekiel, facedown because of the glory of God he witnessed, could not get up. Ever been there? Unable to get up? Feeling like you were down and out like a boxer who had taken a severe blow. You can almost see the referee standing over you counting ... one, two, three ... Here is the good news for you - we see hints of this in the Old Testament - we hear the promise in the New Testament - God's Spirit will stand you up! Even when you think you cannot do it. Continually remind yourself of the promise from Jesus: I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. .. He lives with you and will be in you." (John 14:16-17) The Spirit that stood Ezekiel up on his feet so he could listen to what God was about to speak ... that same Spirit is "in" you as a believer. He lives in you to stand you up, to give you ears to hear and hearts to understand. He is our teacher and our guide. Trust Him to do just that!

Spirit of the living God ... fall fresh on me!

Lesson 2: Wake Up, Day 3

Ezekiel's eyes were opened and he saw the spiritual realm. He saw the throne and on it was a figure like that of a man. (v.26) He saw the Son of Man, preincarnate Jesus, on the throne! Jesus has been, is, and always will be enthroned in the spiritual realm. Have I willingly and joyfully enthroned Him on the throne of my own heart? Is He the center of my being? It is so difficult to truly enthrone Jesus at my center rather than Self. I believe it requires a daily commitment. This is no "once in my life" statement. Why? Because Self is so seductive. And the seduction is one of control. Self keeps thinking that if it just could be in complete control, then life here and now would be so much better. Therefore, every morning, before the feet hit the floor - we best acknowledge to ourselves and for ourselves that Jesus is enthroned for the entire day. His value system carries more weight than mine. In fact, part of my work in growing up in Him is to get my value system in sync with His - even when it does not make sense to "self"! Ezekiel saw it - as well as any mortal can because God gave him eyes to see - and he was forever changed! A day is coming when we, too, shall "see" as it really is. The Son of Man - enthroned!

Verse 28 lets us know how Ezekiel responded to these visions - "I fell facedown". There really is no other response when we get a fresh view of the Lord. If you have never experienced that feeling of dropping to your knees in wonder and humility before the mighty God, then you have yet to really "see" Jesus. Can you remember a time when you felt that? If never, what do you think hinders you? What is blocking your "view"? Take it to Jesus. Sing the simple prayer, "Open my eyes Lord. I want to see Jesus. To reach and touch Him. To say that I love Him. Open my ears Lord. Teach me to listen. Open my eyes Lord. I want to see Jesus." And wait in quiet ...

January 23, 2009

Lesson 2: Wake Up! Day 2

Have you ever watched a storm come toward you? You West Texas girls can give a resounding "YES!" It can be an awesome experience. And then there are the storms that hit and you had no warning. Ezekiel saw it coming ... but he was not sure about it. So he watched ... and became more and more intriqued. I love the description in verse 4 ..."an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light." I love the look of the clouds after one of Houston's dramatic rain storms. The gray clouds, billowing, full ... but surrounded by the ring of intense brightness as the sun breaks out behind the clouds. And it looks as if the cloud is ringed by fire. From Ezekiel's experience, we learn that it was God's presence that gave off the incredible light he saw. I can hear Jesus saying, "I am the light of the world." Our sun is the physical light of our world ... and you cannot look directly on it - its brightness and power is so intense. But - that is our sun - and our life depends on it. Well ... these verses in Ezekiel give us glimpse into a spiritual world - and the Son is its light. His brightness and power is so intense - and our life depends on Him! I must ask myself (and you), how do I look for the presence of God when the storms hit? Is God where I take shelter? Is some sort of storm ripping through your life right now? May we see the presence of God there!

Another thing that impresses me in these few verses (4, 5, and 24) is the reality of the spiritual realm. If we are not careful, we can think inside ourselves that this world, the things we know, is really all there is! How foolish ... the spiritual realm is all around us. So today ... know this for certain: storm or time of peace, you are not alone. We are surrounded and supported and strengthened by the Kingdom that is not of this world. That excites me!

January 21, 2009

Lesson 2: Wake Up! Day 1

We learn that Ezekiel was "among the exiles" when this encounter with the living God begins. The dictionary defines exile as one living away from one's country, usually forced. So I think I am not far off to define it as "forced separation from home". This side of eternity, we, too, are living in exile - required (forced) separation from home. I can imagine Ezekiel walking faithfully during this time of exile - doing whatever daily tasks faced him - worshiping God - desiring home. Try to step outside your own life for a moment and be an observer. See the good things, the happy things, the difficult things, the challenging things that are a part of your experience even today. When I do that, it is interesting to evaluate what I see. Am I still walking faithfully? What circumstances do their best to discourage me from staying faithful to that walk? Am I still worshiping - every day?

I also find two phrases in verse 3 that I think may link together: "the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel" and "the hand of the Lord was upon him." I wonder if those two thoughts can run parallel to each other. When the word of the Lord comes ... His hand is on us. As we study this week, I think I will use that image ... as I open His word, to hear a word from the Lord, I am going to think of Him resting His hand on my shoulder. Join me?

January 20, 2009

Lesson 2: Wake Up!

I hope you learned some powerful lessons from God as you meditated on 2 Chronicles 34 and the beginnings of Josiah's reign. I love the variety of lessons that surface. God is intensely personal. His lessons to you will be designed for you! I was moved by Josiah's passionate desire to walk in the way of David, his ancestor. Don't ever underestimate the influence you may have over subsequent generations. David left a legacy that, generations later, still carried a voice. David left a mark on this great, great, great ... (not sure how many!) grandson. May we live in such a way that generations down the road it may be said, "He/she walked in the way of his/her great, great, great, etc., grandmother, (your name)!" And that "walk" was one of undivided devotion to the Lord.

Let's move into our second lesson.
First, read through the passage for the week: Ezekiel 1:1 - 2:3. Read it through without a pencil in hand just to get the flow and the content of the passage. Then we will begin the specific meditation on a few verses.

Now we are ready to do the 5 - Step process on specific verses.

Day 1: Ezekiel 1: 1, 2, 3
Day 2: Ezekiel 1: 4, 5, 24
Day 3: Ezekiel 1: 25, 26, 27, 28
Day 4: Ezekiel 2: 1, 2, 3

May God richly bless your time meditating on His Word this week and "listening" for His messages to you.

January 19, 2009

Lesson 1 - You're Sleeping (Days 3 & 4)

Day 3: verses 29 - 31

In 2 Chronicles 34:31 we are told that Josiah "renewed the covenant in the presence of the Lord - to follow the Lord and keep his commands, regulations and decrees with all his heart and all his soul, and to obey the words of the covenant ..." The language reminds me of Jesus talking about loving the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. (Matthew 22:37) There are some things worthy of whole-hearted devotion. Josiah discovered that ... and committed himself to that cause. I must ask myself, to what, to whom, am I whole-heartedly devoted? What keeps us from giving whole-hearted devotion to God? Are we afraid? Are we too selfish? Do we think it really doesn't matter all that much? Our covenant with God through Jesus is the most remarkable thing in our lives. Do you need to recommit to that covenant? If you do, now is the best time ... right now! And let me know about it! I will celebrate with you ... and pray for you ... to walk whole-heartedly with our God.

Day 4: verses 32 - 33

Verse 33 says, "As long as he (Josiah) lived, they (the Israelites) did not fail to follow the Lord, the God of their fathers."
Now - that's leadership! When you study through the history of Israel during the years after Solomon when the Kingdom was divided, one prevailing reality continues to surface: As go the leaders, so go the people. I believe that is a powerful lesson from God as we look at this king. Never forget that you have your own sphere of influence - that is where you lead - whether there are any titles attached to it or not. It may be at home, with children, in a workplace, at school, or in a neighborhood or community group. What kind of leader are you? In that circle of influence, do you encourage people toward God?

Lead well my friends. Lead toward God - always seeking Him first, with whole-hearted devotion.

And I pray tonight for the men and women who will be walking into leadership positions in our government tomorrow. Lead well, ladies and gentlemen. Lead toward God.

January 18, 2009

Lesson 1 - You're Sleeping (Days 1 & 2)

I appreciate your patience as I try to figure out procedures for this study that will be beneficial and not burdensome for those of us deciding to participate online. If you only knew what a technologically challenged person I am - you would say, "you need more than our patience, dearie!" I want you to not only be reading with us but also responding with lessons that you are learning from the Lord. That way we will be able to encourage each other through our study. Beginning with our next lesson, I will plan to post a few comments after each day's study. Feel free to respond with your own lessons learned.

A few of my own "lessons learned" as I studied this week:
1. Day 1 ... I am impressed by Josiah's dedication to purge Judah and Jerusalem of all forms of idolatry. And I am reminded how diligent I must be to continually purge my own heart! What are the idols that keep raising their ugly heads in my life? What about yours? Is it time for a fresh purge? I wonder if there is an "ipecac" for the spirit?

2. Day 2 ... from verse 8 we see how important it was to Josiah to purify and repair the temple of the Lord his God. It had fallen into such profound neglect. We are walking into a new year ... with resolutions aplenty. Do some of those resolutions revolve around how your keep your "temple"? Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3: 16 - 17, "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? ... God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple." Such astounding thoughts! Do I (you) need to work on any purifying and repairing? Think in both physical and spiritual arenas. Are there bad habits that need to be broken? 2009 is the year! Spiritually are you tired of being lazy and dull, covered with dust and unable to hear God speak to you? Let's blow away the cobwebs and commit ourselves to careful reading of the Word of God ... praying for the cleansing that comes through Jesus and for hearts to hear. 2009 is the year!

I will add some thoughts from Days 3 & 4 on Monday. And I would love to hear what you have found in these few verses about the boy king, Josiah.

Grace and peace to you as you begin a new week ...

January 15, 2009

Synopsis of the 5 Step Study Procedure

Some are asking "What is this '5 Step procedure'?" It is really quite simple - as long as we resist the temptation to slide in legalistic forms! As you walk with us in this study, remember that this procedure is a guide - not a rule.
The steps from Anne Lotz are: 1) Carefully read the selected passage. Do an overview of the passage at the first. Then divide it into sections. Read the selected verses carefully. That really needs no explanation. It just means that we do not try to hurry, skim, or speed read. We move slowly, carefully through selected verses. 2) List the facts. Make a list from the particular verse of the facts that are there. Use phrases from the verse itself. It is the who, what, when - leave the why until later. 3) Find meaning. Look for spiritual lessons in the verse. Are there things to be emulated? Things to be avoided? Warnings? Promises? 4) Listen. Look at the lessons you have just written and rephrase them into questions for yourself. It is good to avoid yes/no questions when possible. It is very easy to answer a yes/no question and move on without much reflection. Use words like "how" and "when" and "why" as you frame these questions. 5) Apply it. What will you do differently because of this lesson? Does anything need to change? What about attitude? Behaviors? As you are walking through these steps, stay in conversation with God about it. If you are not using the Participants Guide, divide the reading into sections and focus on only one section per day - not more than a few verses. Try to see 2 - 4 "lessons" from each section.
If an example is helpful, consider the following:
We are reading 2 Chronicles 34 this week. Consider verse 1: Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years.
2. Facts: Josiah became king at 8 yrs old
3. Lesson: Being young does not mean one cannot be God's instrument.
4. Listen: (If one young in years is doing the study, the listening is obvious!) How am I being an instrument for God's use right now? If I am not, what is keeping me from it?
(For those well past young years) When have I assumed that being young limits service? Whom have I written off spiritually because they are young in years?
What do I use as an excuse for wholeheartedly seeking after God?
5. Apply: This becomes intensely personal. What are you going to do in your own life about this lesson you heard from God?

Our ladies at this church, in our studies together, have a "mantra" ... it does us well to remember. I invite you all to join us is this remembering: Anything I do is better than doing nothing at all! (I first heard that from Kay Arthur and found it very helpful - particularly for any perfectionists among us!)

May you hear from our God as you "listen" ...

January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

Our class, using the "I Saw the Lord" curriculum by Anne Graham Lotz began this morning. It is all about spiritual awakening. Do you need that? Do you ever feel like you are spiritually dead? Feel like scripture does not seem to "speak" to you? You try to do daily Bible reading, but there seems to be no life in the text. And from my experience, that is when my study time becomes boring and I will not be faithful to it. For 8 weeks we will be using a method to help us understand better how to approach scripture and "listen" for the voice the God in His Word. We will be using the 5 Step study process described by Anne in this study guide. It will take practice. Don't be discouraged if it does not come easily at first. Keep on ... And don't quit when you can't find a lesson in every verse. Just move past that one and look for a lesson in subsequent verses. Do what you can. This method of study is designed to help us hear God speaking directly into our current circumstances and experiences. It then allows us to go all the way to responding to what He tells us. Remember - when I continually do not respond to the voice of God through His Word, He will grow silent. So Steps 4 and 5 are of critical importance! Of course, they are the hardest ones to do. But - no surprise there. It is much easier to learn factual information than to apply spiritual principles to my own life! But that is the goal. So, here we go! I anticipate a splendid "ride" as we journey through these passages together.
A new year ... a natural time for renewal ... let's ask God to renew our spirits, energize our time with Him, and teach us how to listen for His voice in His Word. Remember what the writer of Hebrews said: "The Word of God is living and active ..." (Hebrews 4:12a) I want it to be ever more alive in my own life. So - let's begin!
If you do not have the workbook you can still participate with us as we study together. This week, focus your attention on 2 Chronicles 34. Let's see what we can learn from Josiah.