January 29, 2009

Lesson 3: Open Your Eyes! Day 4

Exodus 34: 29 - 32

We learn that Moses' appearance was changed because he had spoken with God. Being in intimate relationship with the Lord does change people. It changed Peter and Paul and John and Martha and so many others. I wonder if they looked somewhat different also. And it begs the question: How am I different when I consistently spend time with God? Am I different at all? If not, why not? I think it will effect our countenance - the turn of your face - the light in your eye - the "worry lines" that crease our faces. Will there be more calmness in spirit? How do you think you are changed because of spending time with God? Do you think it is visible to others - particulary those closest to you? I am trying to decide if I have the courage to ask!

I find it interesting that the Israelites, his people who knew him well, were afraid to come near him because of a "radiance". I wonder if they were afraid he had something contageous? May I catch some of that "disease"! They finally were convinced to come near to him - at which time Moses gave them the commands that the Lord had given to him. It is so vitally important that people know what God expects ... His commands. And Moses passes on the iinformation. Do I? How do I (how do you) pass on the things of God? To children? To friends? To those who come into our circles of influence?

The other thing that impacts me from these few verses is the fact that the people would not come near to Moses, would not listen to him, because they were afraid of the way he looked. When I look for a lesson in that fact ... I think it is: try to hear someone, to really listen to them before you "run" or write them off. When have I refused to listen to someone out of fear? Perhaps fear of an appearance that is not like me. Or fear of something I "think" they may believe. Or fear over some rumors about them that I have heard. One of my daughters gave me a book for Christmas titled: "Listening is an Act of Love". That's true, you know. Jesus instructs us to love. And one profound way to exhibit love is to listen.

I'm going to try and be a better "listener" this week.


  1. Your question "How am I different when I consistently spend time with God?" made me think of something Michael Lewis used to say. He said "The more we talk to God, the more we will sound like God when we talk to others... and the more time we spend with God, the more we will look like him to the world."

    A bumper sticker for a local Christian radio station reads "God listens." I find that interesting, in light of your daughter's book title!

  2. Whenever I start out my day with God, it always goes better and my kids can tell a difference!

    Sometimes I get in such a hurry to do something (load everybody in carseats, get everybody in bed, or get dinner on the table) that I find myself treating all my boys' comments as interruptions. I forget they notice things I don't, but when I take the time to listen to them I find out things I wish I'd noticed before. I want to build a better habit of listening to them now, so they won't lose the habit of talking to me when they're teenagers!

  3. Well said. And it does take practice, doesn't it!
