January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

Our class, using the "I Saw the Lord" curriculum by Anne Graham Lotz began this morning. It is all about spiritual awakening. Do you need that? Do you ever feel like you are spiritually dead? Feel like scripture does not seem to "speak" to you? You try to do daily Bible reading, but there seems to be no life in the text. And from my experience, that is when my study time becomes boring and I will not be faithful to it. For 8 weeks we will be using a method to help us understand better how to approach scripture and "listen" for the voice the God in His Word. We will be using the 5 Step study process described by Anne in this study guide. It will take practice. Don't be discouraged if it does not come easily at first. Keep on ... And don't quit when you can't find a lesson in every verse. Just move past that one and look for a lesson in subsequent verses. Do what you can. This method of study is designed to help us hear God speaking directly into our current circumstances and experiences. It then allows us to go all the way to responding to what He tells us. Remember - when I continually do not respond to the voice of God through His Word, He will grow silent. So Steps 4 and 5 are of critical importance! Of course, they are the hardest ones to do. But - no surprise there. It is much easier to learn factual information than to apply spiritual principles to my own life! But that is the goal. So, here we go! I anticipate a splendid "ride" as we journey through these passages together.
A new year ... a natural time for renewal ... let's ask God to renew our spirits, energize our time with Him, and teach us how to listen for His voice in His Word. Remember what the writer of Hebrews said: "The Word of God is living and active ..." (Hebrews 4:12a) I want it to be ever more alive in my own life. So - let's begin!
If you do not have the workbook you can still participate with us as we study together. This week, focus your attention on 2 Chronicles 34. Let's see what we can learn from Josiah.


  1. Hi Gail! I'm joining in and have ordered my book. I'll read your suggested passages and follow your blog until my book arrives. Timely study for me. :)

  2. Jmquilts, glad to see you. (I told Gail some unfamiliar names and faces might show up!)

    Gail, could you list the 5 steps here for those who do not yet have their workbooks? Thanks again for doing the blog. May God bless the reading of His Word! :)

  3. Sounds like a great study!

    One of the things I have found in my own life is that, if I'm having trouble hearing from God, it's usually because I didn't do the last thing He told me to do. Once I take care of that, I find that I'm once again hearing Him more clearly.

  4. Dear Anonymous,
    I completely agree. It is as we respond and obey God that He opens up the next step for us. Mentally we can add the word "listen" to the wonderful old hymn, "Trust and Obey". That is what it is about ... listen, trust, and obey.
