January 24, 2009

Lesson 2: Wake Up, Day 3

Ezekiel's eyes were opened and he saw the spiritual realm. He saw the throne and on it was a figure like that of a man. (v.26) He saw the Son of Man, preincarnate Jesus, on the throne! Jesus has been, is, and always will be enthroned in the spiritual realm. Have I willingly and joyfully enthroned Him on the throne of my own heart? Is He the center of my being? It is so difficult to truly enthrone Jesus at my center rather than Self. I believe it requires a daily commitment. This is no "once in my life" statement. Why? Because Self is so seductive. And the seduction is one of control. Self keeps thinking that if it just could be in complete control, then life here and now would be so much better. Therefore, every morning, before the feet hit the floor - we best acknowledge to ourselves and for ourselves that Jesus is enthroned for the entire day. His value system carries more weight than mine. In fact, part of my work in growing up in Him is to get my value system in sync with His - even when it does not make sense to "self"! Ezekiel saw it - as well as any mortal can because God gave him eyes to see - and he was forever changed! A day is coming when we, too, shall "see" as it really is. The Son of Man - enthroned!

Verse 28 lets us know how Ezekiel responded to these visions - "I fell facedown". There really is no other response when we get a fresh view of the Lord. If you have never experienced that feeling of dropping to your knees in wonder and humility before the mighty God, then you have yet to really "see" Jesus. Can you remember a time when you felt that? If never, what do you think hinders you? What is blocking your "view"? Take it to Jesus. Sing the simple prayer, "Open my eyes Lord. I want to see Jesus. To reach and touch Him. To say that I love Him. Open my ears Lord. Teach me to listen. Open my eyes Lord. I want to see Jesus." And wait in quiet ...


  1. Often we don't see Him because we don't want to see Him. We're scared that it will hurt, that things are out of control or we need to change something. You paint a sobering picture of self (and a true one I think). Thanks for leading this study! What all are we missing from not watching the videos?

  2. The video is a 3-way discussion between Anne Lotz, Henry Blackaby and Crawford Loritts. Each session discussion is about 25 minutes. An example: In this lesson Anne focuses the discussion on the storms in our lives and how God so often works in us during stormy times. Each of the 3 give their experiences along those lines and their thoughts about that discussion point. If you have a workbook, the DVD viewing page gives you the key points that are followed in the discussion. The DVD is available for purchase through Zondervan or Lifeway if you would want to do that. If you are doing the study in any size small group of friends, a purchase of the DVD would probably enhance your experience. However, the power is in the Word of God ... and if you do not have the availability to view the discussion ... it will not limit your interchange with God over these things! I pray God's blessings over you as you study His Word!

  3. Thanks, some of us are following your blog because we're not close enough for a group. But your lessons are very encouraging and you are right, God's word is more important than a video. Thanks again, and God bless!
