February 25, 2009

Lesson 7: Move Your Feet! Day 1

Nehemiah 1: 1 - 4

Once again we see the way God lets us know, specifically, that He is in the midst of history. It is such a good reminder for me - God has always been involved in history and He still is. He is in the midst of our history, this year, these circumstances. He is here.

What moved me the most in this day's meditation is found in verse 3. Hanani's report to Nehemiah is that "Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down ..." The wall of God's city was broken down. And that was cause for disgrace. The NASV uses the word "reproach" and the NIV uses "disgrace". I traced that word to gain additional insight into the sense of it. It means "scorn, state of dishonor, shame". It carries the sense of "casting blame with the purpose of harming one's character". It is the antithesis of honor. What in the world brought such a pitiful state for these people? Why were they being mocked and shamed by their enemies? Verse 3 tells us - the wall of Jerusalem is broken down.

What's the big deal? The wall of an ancient city was considered its protection. Therein was its security, its safety. It symbolized all that was strong and secure for the city. And the fact that Jerusalem's was broken down was the source of the shame, the disgrace, the mocking for this remnant of God's people. Are there any lessons in that for you and me? Hear Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer. My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge." And Psalm 31:3 "For You are my rock and my fortress. For Your name's sake You will lead me and guide me." And finally, Proverbs 25:28 "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control." OUCH! God is our security. He is the wall around us - providing protection and safety. It is indeed a disgraceful thing for God's people to be eaten up with anxiety and fear when God is our wall. When His strength surrounds us, what is there to fear? I am writing more to myself right now than to you!

Why was Jerusalem's wall broken down? It had been the "receiver" of enemy attack and of neglect. So the question for me today (and, perhaps, you?) is: What does Satan use against me to break down my "wall", my security in God? Where are your vulnerable places? Don't neglect them! Keep them fortified. Shore them up in the Name of our God. He is our fortress - our rock - our security - our strength.

There is no reason for "disgrace" when God surrounds you.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch, Gail! ...

    It seems to me we are being made privy to an entry from Nehemiah's personal "diary." Through written records of everyday events we have an opportunity to recognize God's direction, His curriculum for our lives (sometimes only in retrospect). Keeping a journal, especially during the "dry times" -- Nehemiah was in exile, can provide valuable perspective and be a reminder (in the words of your niece) of lessons "learned yet not remembered."

    From grade school to high school I kept a journal, but discontinued it abruptly when I had reason to believe it was being read without my permission. In the years since, I have frequently wished for just such a "lens" for viewing (and reviewing) my past. Recently, having learned how to password-protect files on my computer, I resumed the discipline... and I have to tell you, it is amazing how many things just in the past 6 months I have somehow managed to "not remember"! I think my question needs to be "What lessons have I learned yet not remembered?" Also "how (and with whom) will I share what I have learned?"

    Verses 2, 3, 4: Expatriates want to know things are going well back home. When survivors -- those who have "been there, done that, got the scars" -- continue to be lax about protection it becomes a national disgrace, and it is disheartening to those in less fortunate circumstances (i.e., those without the resources for maintaining their own protection, and for whom it isn't even an option). Questions: Am I being diligent, back home? In what areas am I leaving myself open to repeat past mistakes? What preparations or measures of protection are still incomplete? What resources, blessings, situations... what opportunities(!) am I currently "wasting" which may be discouraging to others?

    We know these "disgraceful" things about the condition of Jerusalem because Nehemiah was willing to share them; ditto for Jonah's experience inside the big fish as a consequence of his running away from God. Stories such as these serve the same function as a visible guardrail on a mountain pass, warning us to drive with extra care in those areas. Recognizing that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, would I be willing to share such a private "tutorial from God" with someone else if it would be beneficial or encouraging?
